In 2013, Governor Brown signed AB-60 into law, which directs the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue a driver’s license to any eligible California resident, regardless of his or her immigration status. Like any other California resident, an immigrant seeking a driver’s license must provide proof of insurance, pass a written test, pass a driving test, and pass a vision test. Additionally, an immigrant will have to make an appointment apply for an AB-60 license, pay a $33 fee, produce documents proving your identity and your California residency, give a thumbprint, and have his or her picture taken. Documents that prove identity can include a valid foreign passport and consular ID, as well as an expired foreign passport and a foreign birth certificate. An immigrant also can use a written lease agreement, utility bills, tax returns, medical records, and school records to prove residency in California. Under California law, no state or local law enforcement official can discriminate against an individual who has an AB-60 license. An AB-60 license also can serve as a state identification card, but is not a federal identification card that grants an immigrant any federal benefits. In fact, attempting to use an AB-60 license as your identification with a federal government agency, such as boarding a plane, can end up with a referral to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which could result in removal charges. Likewise, attempting to use an AB-06 license as identification in another state could result in a referral to ICE for the purposes of removal. Neither federal nor other states’ government agencies are required to accept AB-60 licenses for identification or any other purposes. At Landerholm Immigration, A.P.C., we are here to help you through your deportation proceedings, how matter how complex or lengthy they may be. We can investigate your case, evaluate your ability to avoid deportation, and begin building the strongest defenses possible in your deportation proceedings. Since our law firm exclusively focuses all of our efforts on defending people just like you in deportation proceedings, we have unparalleled skills and knowledge that can be essential to being successful in your deportation case. Call us today and arrange an initial appointment with our Oakland deportation defense attorneys.