Immigration cases and a resulting immigration case backlog have only continued to grow in San Francisco, California. Recent statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice show that the number of immigration cases received by the immigration court in San Francisco increased by 11% between fiscal years 2014 and 2015. This equates to roughly an additional 1,250 cases added to the San Francisco immigration court in 2015 over 2014. The vast majority of the immigration cases – over 10,000 – were new notices to appear, or immigrants newly charged with deportation. A much small number of new immigration cases – 1,620 and 1,776, respectively – were bond and motion requests. Not surprisingly, the immigration court in San Francisco completed 12% more cases in FY 2015 than in FY 2014. The majority – about 32% – of all immigration cases in the United States in FY 2015 involved Mexican immigrants. The next largest groups of immigrants were from Honduras and Guatemala, with the number of El Salvadoran immigrants not far behind. These were by far the most common countries of origin of the immigrants appearing in immigration courts in general in the United States, with individuals from other countries like China, Ecuador, India, and a host of other locations making up a relatively small percentage of the immigration cases. The numbers of immigrants with cases in immigration court who are represented by counsel has grown over the years. Whereas only 43% of immigrants were represented by counsel in FY 2011, 58% were represented by an attorney at some point in FY 2015. However, a large percentage of immigrants still end up handling their immigration cases on their own, with no legal representation, which can be very detrimental to the outcome of their cases. At Landerholm Immigration, A.P.C., our immigration lawyers have represented the interests of hundreds of clients who are facing deportation proceedings, but who wish to remain with their families in the United States. Fortunately, there are many remedies that may be available if you are facing deportation charges. We will aggressively investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding your case, and help you settle upon the option that is best calculated to allow you and your family to live where you choose. Contact our experienced deportation defense attorneys today, and learn how we can help.