The chaos, fear, and uncertainty that increased immigration enforcement efforts by the federal government over the past six months have definitely raised the stress level for the millions of immigrants present in the United States, as well as for their families. These emotions are making these individuals feeling powerless, angry, anxious, depressed, and hopeless. Individuals who experience these feelings over a long period of time become physically unhealthy, making them much more vulnerable to medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. The question, then, becomes how to effectively reduce stress on the family who fears deportation, in a political climate that is volatile, at best, on immigration issues. In some communities, immigrants and advocate of immigrants are coming together to create circles of emotional support for themselves and their families. They are finding ways to share sorrows, fears, and information with one another. They also are trying out new methods of self-care designed to reduce personal stress and anxiety and finding connections with others in similar situations. For some groups led by churches, prayer is a major component of stress relief plans. Other techniques for stress reduction include deep breathing, taking slow walks, and listening to comforting music. All of these techniques can help lower immigrants’ individual stress levels. Families also should be aware that children handle stress differently than adults. Therefore, adults needs to be aware of the signs of stress in their children and address it accordingly. Having reassuring conversations with children can go a long way toward alleviating some fears and stressors in children. Furthermore, having a family plan in place in the event of a sudden deportation can help calm anxiety in children, as they will know what to expect if the worst-case scenario does occur. As an immigrant, no matter what your legal status may be, you have certain rights as a resident of the United States, guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, that we are here to protect. Our goal is to devote all of our efforts to advocating on behalf of you and your family before the immigration court, as well as help lessen the stress on you and your family. Don’t hesitate to contact the Bay Area immigration lawyers of Landerholm Immigration, A.P.C., and set up your legal consultation today. We are here to help.