It can be distressing on many levels to find out you or a loved one might be deported and can bring up a multitude of concerns for how your loved ones will handle day to day affairs if you are detained or have to leave the country. Individuals who feel they are at high risk for being detained might encounter sleepless nights wondering how they can protect their property, their family’s healthcare, or even child care if they are indisposed. Thankfully, there is a legal document called a Power of Attorney that is available for any individual who might be facing deportation. Using this type of tool can safeguard a person’s assets and is fairly simple to put into place. How? The Basics Managing bills, property taxes, child care, schooling, or even real estate transactions are complex enough on their own, but trying to achieve these tasks from a detention center is an incredibly difficult, if not impossible, task. For individuals who might be facing deportation, choosing a trusted individual to grant Power of Attorney to can ensure the rest of their affairs go on uninterrupted. A Power of Attorney is a legal document that assigns a representative for one’s financial matters in the event of deportation or detention. This person is deemed as an “agent” and can be granted the power to write checks from the detained person’s bank account, can make decisions about their children’s health care, and can be trusted with many more important duties. The Power of Attorney lists the name of the individual who is generating the document as well as where they are living at the time of its creation. It names the agent and dictates what authority they have over certain areas of the individual’s life. The Power of Attorney states when it will begin and has a section for signatures from both parties as well as from a notary. How a Power of Attorney Can Help You in a Deportation Case Imagine you’re in the midst of a legal claim or your taxes aren’t quite filed yet and you are placed in a detention center. Trying to handle these tasks with limited access to your friends, family, or even your home computer can be daunting, so a Power of Attorney essentially becomes an extension of yourself. For those who end up getting deported, access to bank accounts, safe deposit boxes, or making decisions about a loved one’s medical care can be nearly impossible without an enforceable Power of Attorney. Remember to choose an agent that can be trusted with your personal business and will act with the best intentions of you and your family in mind. If you’re facing deportation or detention and need help establishing a Power of Attorney, contact Landerholm Immigration today. We are here to provide experienced and compassionate help to those facing deportation issues.