While this is not the case in every state, current California law does permit immigrants with no legal status to obtain driver’s licenses. AB-60, a bill that the California legislature enacted two years ago, has allowed over 850,000 immigrants to get their driver’s licenses. The use of these licenses is limited to driving; immigrants cannot use the licenses for identification to board airplanes or cross borders. Although a controversial measure that was over ten years in the making, AB-60 has made thousands of immigrants able to work, transport their children to school and doctor’s appointments, and even shop as needed. With the advent of the Trump administration, however, immigrants have been less likely to seek out driver’s licenses pursuant to AB-60 out of fear of deportation. Some immigrants believe that giving the information to the Department of Motor Vehicles will be turned over to the federal government for the purposes of deportation, despite the DMV’s assurances otherwise. Although DMV databases are available to law enforcement agencies, the information in those databases does not include the immigration status of a particular individual. Additionally, California law does not allow law enforcement officers to discriminate against individuals who have AB-60 licenses. California is one of the 12 states and the District of Columbia that allow immigrants with no legal status to obtain legal driver’s licenses. California officials claim that allowing AB-60 driver’s licenses has made their roads safer for everyone, as all licensed drivers must take a test and undergo an eye exam. One study from Stanford University shows that the rate of hit-and-run accidents has increased at a much slower rate, since drivers are less likely to run from the scene if they have a valid driver’s license. It is our goal to provide you both with the legal representation that you need, as well as practical tips for living in the United States. No matter your situation or what your needs may be, we devote all of our efforts to advocating on behalf of you and your family before the immigration court. Don’t hesitate to contact the Bay Area immigration lawyers of Landerholm Immigration, A.P.C., and set up your legal consultation today. We are here to help.