In the past, schools, like churches and courthouses, have typically been off-limits for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. However, that no longer seems to be the case. While some schools have enacted policies and other measures designed to protect students and keep ICE agents out, others have not done so. As a result, students, as well as teachers and administrators, need to be aware of their rights when it comes to the enforcement of immigration laws. Every child in the state of California has the right to a free and public education, regardless of their immigration status, which was made clear by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 1982 decision. The California School Board also has repeatedly reminded teachers and administrators that any questions about any student’s immigration status whatsoever may violate federal law. The only documentation that a school can request from a student is a utility bill or other piece of mail showing that the student lives within the school district. There also has been a “sanctuary school” movement in some areas of California, which asks schools to pledge to prohibit law enforcement activities within the school that do not have a school-related purpose. With these safeguards in place in some school districts, immigrant children should be able to attend school without worrying about their parents being deported or that someone will find out that they are undocumented. At Landerholm Immigration, A.P.C., we care about you and your family, and want to help you preserve your home in the United States. If you or a family member fears deportation, you need to speak with an experienced immigration attorney right away. We focus our law practice solely on deportation defense cases, which allows us to expend all of our efforts in standing up for the rights of those who are facing potential deportation, including those who are seeking asylum. Our California deportation defense lawyers know how to gather persuasive evidence to support your case and we know all of the procedural ins and outs of the U.S. deportation system. Allow us to handle your deportation case by contacting us today to schedule an appointment.